February 22, 2000

I just noticed the announcement in the paper where Carter is getting married in March. (I worked with him in a little bookstore several years ago.) I almost didn't recognize him because he was smiling... ;->

Congratulations, Carter and Rebekah ~ may your shared path be smooth and sunny.

Word(s) of the day:

Anent: prep [ME onevent, anent fr. OE on efen alongside, fr. on + efen even]:  ABOUT, CONCERNING

I have no clue as to why this is on my mind...

Have you ever noticed how aerodynamically wrong a Borg ship seems to be? It may be all right out in deep space but get near a gravity source...it would seem to me that there would be incredible friction on those broad surfaces, causing a lot of ships to be lost due to fire.

Perhaps I just think too much.

New painting idea:

A 'portrait' of Anubis (as much as you can make a portrait of Him), using the 3/4 rule and somehow working the tools of the office in (ankh; feather, etc.)


I finally had to talk to someone about my little situation the other night (2/17 entry). I needed another point of view to make sure that my intuition was right. I had originally decided that I wouldn't say anything at all about it but then I thought that since I'd already put it out for the world to see on the web, what the hell.

I decided that I would tell my mom about it ~ I figured that she could use the laugh, which is exactly what we both did when I got the entire story out. I told her everything, from the point where I thought it was a buddy outing to the point where the sirens were going off in my head. Bobby was with us as well ~ I think his favorite part of the story was where I said, "I kept the book, though!"

We got to talking about why we seem to draw the ne'er-do-wells; morons and assholes to us. We finally decided that it must be that since we would never dream of treating another human being like that, these people see us as spineless or perhaps even 'easy' until they cross the line and we come up loaded for bear and ready to defend ourselves. A favorite quote of mine from MadTV came up at this point: "Don't make me break my foot off in your ass!"

You know, it does piss me off when people think that of me. It tells me that they haven't taken the time to really get to know me ~ they've only perceived seemingly weak character and try to pounce on it. What really gets me is when I bite back and they get mad at me because they didn't have such an easy mark after all.

Doesn't that just get ya? They get mad because they misjudged. LOL

Well, it's late. I think I'll just get ready to go to bed. Goodnight out there.

...and for the record, I was right.

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