Ah man ~ I was in heaven today. The Prairie Home Companion did their yearly joke show...2 solid hours of bad jokes! Even the songs were bad jokes.
Yep ~ my sense of humor is definitely skewed. I mean, I love bad jokes...well, some of them anyway. I even came up with one myself, although it would definitely work better as a comic strip:
Firewolf's( © )infinitely bad joke( © 1995 ):
You are walking along a forest trail, just after a brief but hard rain shower. Everything appears to be sparkling and new. As you walk along, you begin to hear a low chant ~ much too low to make out the words. Moving on, you begin to notice something in middle of the trail and you realize that the chant is coming from this figure. Upon approach, you notice that the figure is a person, bent over a small pool of water chanting "It's my puddle and I'll skry if I want to...."
TA_DA!!!!! (She says as she ducks the flying tomatoes and the occasional rock) Here are a few more, that I didn't write but almost wish I did:
How many dull people does it take to change a light bulb? One.
Why do gorillas have such large noses? Because they have large fingers.
Why are there so many Smiths in the phone book? Because they all have phones.
I hear that they're starting to perscribe Viagra to old folks in the nursing home ~ it keeps them from rolling out of bed.
A golfer comes back into the clubhouse after his game and he says, "Well, I hit two good balls today ~ I stepped on a rake."
Q: Where did napoleon keep his armies?
A: Up his sleevies
What did the grape say when it got stood on by an elephant?
Nothing, it just gave out a little whine.
Radio: Police are looking for a man with one eye called George.
Boy: What's his other eye called ?
Why did the witch put her broom in the washing machine?
She wanted a clean sweep.
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