May 26, 2000

Things are pretty sporatic here lately, hmmm? Oh well, that's the way it goes sometimes.

They're off! I sent in my designs for the new Tennessee quarter today. I decided on 1.) a Tn. walking horse with the state outline behind it and 2.) an iris with the state outline behind it. Here's to hoping - I would really like to win!

I saw in the Nashville Scene where Lisa has a show of her artwork at the new Renaissance Center - if anyone deserves it, it's her. I hope it goes well! Her B-day is also coming up next month - I'll have to write with congratulations and a happy birthday. I bet she thinks I've forgotten.

I haven't heard anything from my dad since that last argument. I'm in the process of writing a letter to him - I've written two so far, telling exactly what I've felt all these years - including that I feel that he's spent a good deal of time keeping me as far away as possible. Will it help anything? Your guess is as good as mine. We'll see.

Seen on the website:
"Holiday Travelers Ignore Gas Pains"
What did they do to get them in the first place??

Still for sale on the sign at a local market:
"Fruit Bassets"


It's raining for the third day in a row - no, make that 'the re-enactment of Noah's Ark, Day 3'. We had a tornado warning about an hour ago but all is well. I shielded the area and 'talked' to the storm (that's the only way I can explain it, although 'giving the storm sufficient warning as to what would happen if it did any damage' would also apply.)

I guess I got the tansy; painted daisy and white echinacea moved just in time - it began raining not 30 or 40 minutes later. It was a huge job to move that tansy, I tell you. It is a bunch that is 3 feet tall and about the same width round with lots, lots, did I mention LOTS of 'tansy - ettes' everywhere. Hopefully it will like it's new place where it can multiply to its heart's desire.

All this rain has reminded me of some of the strange and crazy things that I was told growing up...

Well, that's all that come to mind at the moment. I'm sure there's more - if nothing else, this ol' family of mine is good for a few laughs! Wouldn't change it for the world.

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