July 18, 1999 A LOVING BELL Hang a small bell in a window that is open for a good portion of the day - perferably where the West Wind can blow in. As you do, say: I hang you to whisper mt need for love on the breezes and winds. Little bell of love; Speak of mt need for love to your brothers and sisters. Little bell of love, I ask yoou to speak softly and draw to me someone who listens. Everytime the bell rings - it whispers your wish.
The search continues - only now instead of 'search and rescue', it's 'search and recovery'. It was announced a while ago that there isn't much hope at all of finding JFK jr. and his wife and sister in law alive.
I wonder why all these 'famous' people are dying of late? Christians have a saying that goes 'one cannot know the mind of God' but I wonder...is there a plan - somewhere in the grande scheme of things - to have great masses of humanity united with the common thread of one of these people's death? Princess Diana; Mother Teresa, JFK jr...
Think about it - would we really care what these people did if they didn't have the spotlight on them? O.k., o.k...perhaps Mother Teresa doesn't quite fit into this category...but what about the others? If the media wasn't there to tell us what and why we should be interested in these people - would they have the same fascination? I don't think so.
In the course of our lives, we determine for ourselves what we see and like - or dislike - about a person. When the media turns its eye on a person, the scope is dramatically (pardon the pun) narrowed. We get a telescopic view of a person - usually only showing the best side. We don't get to see that person stumbling over furniture on their way to the bathroom or picking their nose or whatever. They are protrayed as perfect. Demigods.
Still, even with all this, they become part of the cultural background. They loom back there, filling a spot that usually isn't noticed until it's empty. I wonder why we humans feel that we must have everything filled in?
I don't think I'll ever figure us out.
The purpose of this journey was to have - literally - a soul to soul conversation with someone, in order to heal a potential explosive situation.
I begin from the grassy meadow, not far from the cabin. Everything here looks drab, neglected and wilted. Indeed it has been - I have not journeyed in a long time. Before I do anything else, I send greenish healing energy throughout the land. It radiates ever outward, bringing everything back to life.
I walk a bit toward the woods. As I do, a huge blue being comes stomping out of the forest - it is quite upset with me and it is one of my allies, the dragon. He stops right in front of me and ___----SWIPE!!!----___, he knocks me several feet into the air where I land right into the middle of the permanent circle and brings it up, sealing me inside. He glares at me from outside.
"What's this all about?" I ask.
"You figure it out."
I bring down the circle but another one goes immediately up in its place. I look at the dragon and say, "Alright! I've been an idiot."
"You've been more than that - you've forgotten who and what you are. I ought to bite you in two but I know that it won't do any good. I also know that you have something to do..."
With that, the circle is brought down. The dragon puts his huge face in front of mine as if he is still contemplating what a morsel I would make.
Eventually, we walk into the forest. I have a plan on how to accomplish my goal of calling this person but as usual, it changed.
I begin by centering myself and opening up my heart chakra. I feel that I really need to boost up my vibration a bit in order to be successful. Immediately, faintly blue tinged light burst out of my chest and encompasses my entire being and I 'think' of my destination. I am there immediately.
I am on the steps of a beautiful and huge crystal building. It is bigger than anything I have ever seen in my life. I stand here, on the steps, just staring in awe. One other spirit does ask if she could help me - I finally look back at her and tell her that I am looking for someone.
I cannot tear myself away from the beauty of the building. I finally tell myself that this is ridiculous - being entranced by a building of all things and not getting anything done. I go back to my starting point.
Once there, I am immediately greeting by the sight of a huge, crystalline dragonfly. I ask it the requisite question, "Are you a guide for me?" and it bobs up and down in the air - meaning yes. I introduce myself to the dragonfly during which it lands on my hand, listening. It soon flies away after 'waving' at me to signal that it is leaving and didn't mean for me to follow.
I center myself and try again. This time, I don't do anything but center myself and call out to the person in question, "HDB, I call to you. I ask for your presence. HDB, I call to you! I ask for your presence! HDB, I CALL TO YOU! I ASK FOR YOUR PRESENCE!" (the presiding rule is, if you ask three times then an answer must be given.)
There is a change in the very atmosphere - my request has been granted. I never 'see' anything but I 'feel' it. It is definitely her. In essence, I tell her why I did what I did - I don't share her vision and my path simply didn't mesh with hers. I want to continue on my own path. I wish her well and peace on her journey. I move to end the communication but I sense that she wants to stay a while longer. For some reason, I say, "I can't claim to be as advanced as you but as you can see, I'm no new initiate either. With this, I come back to regular consciousness when Kitt touches me twice right on the heart chakra. He is ready to go to bed.