July 29, 1999

O.k.,o.k, this snow bunny is close to terminal meltdown...whoever's in charge of rain this year, would you please send some this way??

In honor of the Full Moon tonight

(a traditional chant)

Mother Moon, shine down on me
I am you and you are me.
And we are a part of everything
We are a part of everything.

- unknown, found in the book, Chanting by Robert Gass

Latest Acquisitions -

30 gladiola bulbs for 4 cents

Sometimes, Wally World is a good thing.

Latest Movie: Wild, Wild West. The only things I'll about this movie is that I had a very hard time staying awake and all the good parts are in the trailers. To qoute another movie (The Fifth Element), I am very disappointed!!

Now Showing

I had to go back and re - read the last entry - if for no other reason than to see if, after getting away from it for a while, it didn't sound...well, silly. I had a major bout of self - doubt there for a few days. Nothing seemed right.

Isn't that silly? Perhaps it is, especially now in hindsight but at the time it was awful. I wished that I could cry but nothing would come. I hate feeling like that.

Now, I'm taking a break from a painting - it's based on a photo I took of the front door...and Kitt sitting in front of it. I've been wanting to paint this for a while - the look on Kitt's face is priceless and even though he's not an immediate focus of the painting, you can't miss him...I think that he makes it!

Someone asked the question the other night: If there was a movie being made about your life, what would it be called? Who would star in it? Who would do the soundtrack?

Now Showing, at a theater near you: Illusions, Moonbeams and Madness!
(Or, it's title in the other realms, 'Walkabout: One Faery's Tale of My Life Among the Mundane')

Starring, in her first and greatest acting role of her career - Stevie Nicks!! and Roma Downey as her best friend!!

Don't miss Drew Barrymore as Cynthia!!! (She'll love that!)

Music by:

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