Moon Phase = Waning toward halfWeather = sunny Current books =None
Quote: "Where the wild things are is where I am most at home."
- Kim Antieau

August 14, 1998

If I had known the effects of letting go of limitations, I would have done it sooner. Tonight, I went to a planning meeting for the SHA's booth at the Health and Wellness Expo on the 29th. I get to make some of the posters! Lisa and I are going to work on them Tuesday. I almost got volunteered to work on their webpage - but thankfully the person in charge of that has everything well in hand. I was also invited to put some of my own work in to sell...I'm definitely thinking about it. Yep...but don't know what I'm going to do yet. I think I may try creating some bookmarks based on the color system used by SHA...we'll see. I'm not going to limit it. Whatever wants to happen - that's what I'll do.

I found a fun website the other day - Are You an Elf? It's also connected to the Eald of the Silver Elves. Their definition of an Elf (or pixie; gnome, brownie, etc.) is in part, this: ' who assumes responsibility for programming one's own brain and thus helping to create the reality in which one announce one's unique individuality...transforming ones'elf bit by bit and day by day into that perfected and magical being one knows ones'elf to really be.' They will even give you an Elven name if you send them a description of yours'elf (lol) and a SASE. I think I may do it, if for no other reason than just to see what name I get.

Yes - it's good to be a part of the world I know was out there. Good, indeed.

Thank you...whoever's responsible for it.

Only one sad thing was learned today: Shari Lewis died. Has the never-ending song ended?

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