December 14, 1999
From the Artist's Way:
List five people you admire. Now list five people you secretly
admire. Don't take too much time for this, just list them quickly.
Then go through each person and make a list of what qualities you
admire in that person. Look at the list. Are these qualities that
you see in yourself? That you aspire too? That you are afraid of or
shy about?
2. Imagine if you could have five lives that are different than the
one you are living now; what would you do? Now list five more.
Again, don't think too hard about these, just write down what comes to
mind. What attracts you to each? Are there bits and pieces of each
that you are doing now? That you could start doing?
Qualities I See in Myself: Qualities I Aspire to: |
Five (and more) People I Admire and Why:
Five People I Secretly Admire and Why:
Back to the Journal Back to the Realm
Page Copyright 1999 D. Firewolf
Five (and more) Lives that I Would Love to Live and Why:
five More Lives I'd Love to Live and Why: |