August turned out to be an unexpectedly good month, although at times it didn't seem that way. Lots of hidden grief poured out and was replaced by wonder and sometimes, awe. New friends were made and discoveries made. Peace and wellbeing are becoming more and more frequent visitors - perhaps one day soon, they will be here to stay.

To tie up a few loose ends:

The little black kitten that was found on the porch turned out to be Lilith's. He has since been moved inside (despite what I had to say about it - Lilith has evidently decided that she and her child are housecats.). He continues to be moved to a new place every day or two, thereby nearly guaranteeing that this kitten will grow up to be the laziest cat on earth, having done all his moving before the age of two months.

The two little kittens that were found outside, however, weren't as lucky. I don't know if I didn't find them in time or what but they were both gone within two days. It was a horrible way to go. It shouldn't have happened.

The experiment continues but so far it is a success.

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