One of the topics my dad and I covered is god. I don't think I explained it very well, with most tough subjects the words I was looking for came well after the conversation was over. I'll try again and hope that I have better success.
Mention the word 'god' and most people, depending on what path they follow, instantly get an image in their head. It is usually a white man with brown hair and a beard, either kind and forgiving or full of ire and vengence. That image may be of a green man covered with lush summer tree leaves. It could be any of the variations that are out there. In most every case, however, that image is humanoid. After all, doesn't it say that humans were created in 'his' image?
This idea just doesn't work for me. It smacks of the tired idea that humans are superior to all of nature and the universe when they are really a small, destructive part of it. It is so limiting, as most labels are. To use such a small label on such a grand thing is a little like sitting in a duckblind and declaring that everything you see in the small window is all that exists.
My question is this: Just what does the creator look like? What about all the other things that were created first? Aren't they also the image of the creator, if all things were created and contained by it? Can't the spaces between the stars be the face of the creator?
(For that matter, Was life actually 'created'? Could it have just as easily been two amino acids accidentally bumping into each other in a 'puddle of goo' and starting the chain of life?)