January 7, 2000

Busy day - I added about 2 1/2 feet to the stone walkway and dug about 6 feet of the flower bed bordering it. I've decided to excavate the flower bed for now - come spring, I'll add peat to the dirt and put it back since it is now too heavy for many flowers to grow successfully in it. Thankfully, the bed is only about 8 - 10 inches deep and about the same distance wide.

Also decided to forget about getting the poor Poinsettia that I've had for two years now to bloom again. I forgot to water it a few weeks back and it dropped every leaf but three. It's slowly recovering - it now has some new, young leaves on it. I decided to go ahead and prune now instead of waiting until April - by then, it'll be in full leaf and I'll hate to cut it even more than I did tonight. Last year, I managed to get it to bloom by simply sitting it in the kitchen and letting it be. Oh well.

Latest toy:

Irish Vocabulary Master from Transparent Language
It was free! Whoo-hoo!

little injustices

We begun a new cycle on the journalcircle list this week. For the next two weeks, we're supposed to write about injustice perpetrated 1. against you, 2. against someone you care about and 3. in your presence to someone you know just a little or not at all.

From the message: "For each, describe to us briefly the incident and then write how you responded, how you fantasize about how you might have responded, and how you would like to respond in the future i that is different. Kinds of injustice may be related to things like gender, religion, sexual orientation, class background, and such, or could just be because, as we may all have been told as children "life is not fair". Incidents can be minor or major, either way is important and useful to process."

I'm having to think about this one. There are a few incidents that come to mind. One is a incident from my childhood with my uncle - but I don't really think of that situation as injustice anymore. Yes, that sonofabitch did some very nasty stuff with me. Yes, he said everything by the book - "If you tell anybody about this, I'll kill your dog." "If you tell, I'll have to hurt (_insert a name here, it didn't matter_)" "If you tell, I'll take that puppy away from you." Yes, he was an all around poor excuse for a human.

Still, I don't think of this as an injustice. Not anymore. I don't even call myself a survivor because that implies feelings of victimization - and I don't feel like a victim. Even when he was alive, it got to a point where I wouldn't bow down to him.

Anyway, I've written about all this before. His ghost doesn't bother me anymore - I guess he was happy to get to hell after I got ahold of him after he died. Lots of interesting things can happen on the astral plane - especially if you're in the right.

I don't know, the incident with Bridget comes to mind. Old news. Settled successfully. I guess that the topic of the day next time I write will be about my dad and my grandmother - that whole stupid situation. Yep - that'll be my topic of injustice. There's a whole world of injustice there in that subject.

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