February 24, 2001
Random musings that were on my mind when I woke up today:
You hear people today trying to explain the pentagram as representing the 5 elements: earth; air, fire and water. They will usually launch into some long, complicated story about how it is representative of their faith and what exactly that is and yadda, yadda, yadda.
What if it's nothing more than an ancient sign of a star cult? (I hate using that word but I can't think of any other words that fit) Perhaps they kept track of the stars ~ as ancient astronomers/astrologers ~ so the most appropriate sign to identify them would be a star, wouldn't it?
What if the sign of the cross is nothing more than an ancient pictograph of a sword? The short piece is the handle; the horizontal piece is the hilt and the long piece at the bottom is the blade. Who knows?
It appears that I had a busy night.
I joined two new lists that do nothing but journal prompts. I don't have the actual addys, but just go to the former EGroups and search for SoulJournaling and Journaling101. Today's email from Journaling101 was this:
An old legend says there is a poot of gold at the feet of rainbows. What
would you like to find at the foot of your rainbow?
First of all ~ Eeeewwwweeeeeewwwwwwww! I think I can honestly do without a 'poot' of gold. What I would like to find at the foot of my rainbow...
Lists like that are harder than they look! |