Oh boy, I'm tired - I've spent two days tilling the garden and getting it ready to plant. I also began mowing the yard using the manual mower...Muscles are sore that I'd forgotten I'd had.
Aullie is still missed - and probably always will be. Tonight, Spook jumped up on a stool and I could have sworn that Aullie was there instead. I still expect to see him when I walk around the corner in the back of the house...damn it, it's just not right.
The other night, there was a raging debate going on because somone has bought this resort in Joelton...it used to be open to any-/every- one and now it will be geared more toward gays and lesbians. One guy actually called in and made this statement: "Homosexuals don't reproduce, so they have to recruit."
Would someone please explain this to me? If this statement were true, wouldn't there be posters? I'm thinking of a variant of Uncle Sam - "I want you, Big Boy..." Tell me, is it something like a contest ("Congratulations to Jane Spidowski - she recruited a record number of 377!!! Pack your bags, Jane - you're going to Disney World!!!!") or is it just a tour of duty? Do people sit around talking talking about it in their later years? ("Yeah...I remember that - I was in 'Q' troop. We were out in Birmingham that year...I'll never forget it...")
What is it that frightens people so much about this? Why do they believe tripe like this instead of the truth - which is that just because a person has a different sexual orientation than you do doesn't mean that they are going to immediately try to jump your bones or try to 'turn' you gay.
I love that phrase: You're not going to turn gay, are you? Why yes, let me just step inside my trusty magical phone booth here and press the 'gay' button! Ta Da!!! I'm Gay!!!
Why doesn't anyone ever say:
- You're not going to turn red headed, are you?
- You're not going to turn skinny, are you?
- You're not going to turn smart, are you?
- You're not going to turn cheerful, are you? (no pun intended...)
I can't believe that people still believe that it is a choice that is made. One day, a person just wakes up and says, "I think I'll have an adventure today!! I'll be gay!! Won't it be fun to put myself into the line of fire of the idiots out there who won't accept me for the human I am?? Oh yes - I want to be discriminated against today!!"
I almost called into that radio show the other night when this guy was on - I believe it was the Magic Box with John Grayson. In the end, though, I knew that it probably wouldn't do any good - people just don't have a clue.
I think I'll end this rant here - I'm really tired. I'm going to go and wait for the rain.
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