Moon Phase = newWeather = Hot. Very Hot.Current books = The Education of Little Tree - Forrest Carter
Quote: "If ye don't know the past, then ye will not have a future. If ye don't know where your people have been, then ye won't know where your people are going."
- Grandma and Grandpa, the Education of Little Tree

August 21, 1998

This morning's dream

Been a strange day - after being kept awake all night by an unwanted visitor with absolutely no respect for the living (the one I wrote about last night), I finally got some sleep at 8 a.m. This will not continue tonight. I will not be stared at while I am trying to sleep. If Kitt (who has been known to throw quite a fearful tantrum himself) won't stay in the same room with our visitor, then it's time for eviction anyway. I tried to just let our visitor be because most times they just pass through but no....this one had to get nosy.

How am I going to do it? The 'bubble technique' - visualizing a bubble around the visitor and floating the bubble up into the sky? No, I think I'll give him a bit more respect than that. (Ha! Giving a spirit more respect that he had for me...he should be grateful - part of me wants to blast the hell out of him just for not letting me sleep! lol!) Sage smoke? No. Same deal. I suppose this is going to be another one of those intuitive ones - whatever comes to me at that moment will be what gets done.

I've got to get those seals finished. I didn't realize until I began work on these seals that there were 13 openings (windows and doors leading outside) in this house - how apropos!

I suppose somewhere deep inside, I had hoped that I wouldn't have to deal with this stuff again. Perhaps I even tried to convince myself that it was just all in my head anyway and I was just a bit more than a little crazy. It's been...what? nearly two years since I've done anything like this? Considering the other person involved with those escapades, it's easy to see why I would want to try to convince myself it was all in my head.

Life and spirits being what they are, you can't get out of responsibility. Responsibility for living a good life; for not getting pushed around and generally not being a doormat and...that big one that I have tried for so long to get out of - Service. Don't get me wrong - I'm not some hermit who refuses to have anything at all to do with humanity. I just don't like being poked and prodded into humanitarian work. Where's the heart in that? I'd much rather do something that is coming from the heart instead of my pockets. The impact is much greater in the long run.

The last poster for the Expo is almost finished. I wish my own artwork would come along as easily as this poster. I've tried some painting based on the same principle as the color ones - I think I've mentioned them before - and so far, no dice. Perhaps I'm just being too hard on myself and not letting the creative forces flow.

Well, Kitt is yelling for some attention and I think I'll give it to him. Good night, world.

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