Dream Fragment ~
It is dark. I am in a small town, walking down a sidewalk and looking at all the shops' wares. I am late and they are about to close. As I walk down the sidedwalk, I feel the desire to have a baby but don't want everything that goes with it so I find and buy a necklace with a baby on it. Soon I discover that the necklace can turn into a newborn.
It doesn't seem right to wear the necklace so I carry it in my left hand. I push a shopping cart and the baby sits in the seat when it isn't a necklace. The baby cries quite a bit when I pick her up ~ I keep one hand behind her head and one under her seat. I don't think she likes me very much yet she seems to understand what I say ~ she smiles at the things that she seems to like when I mention them.
There is a large man here ~ dressed in denim shirt and overalls. I don't particularly like him very much but he seems to like me. We are at the 'junk' shop at the end of the sidewalk and I lose my keys. I look everywhere but can't find them. When I describe them to the shop owner, she doesn't believe me because I describe what her keys look like. A few minutes later, I find my keys on a table and show them to her. As we leave, the man walks up behind me and puts his hands on my shoulders and I lean into him. I am grateful for the support even though I don't particularly like him.
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