October 21, 1999

Latest Reading: none at the moment - no time

I did it - I called into Jon Grayson's show and didn't choke! hehehe!

He had two people on to talk about the gravesite on Hillsboro road. and now the state is trying to 1.) let the archeologists have free reign and 2.) have it declared abandoned. Several people called in to say that they couldn't understand what the fuss was about. Nearly everyone who called in were saying, "Well, if this happened to a white cemetary...." My point was that it did - it happened several weeks ago at the site of the new speedway. They had that situation shut down so fast, it wasn't funny. The construction crew was fined several thousand dollars and was also sued.

Am I the only one who sees the problem here? Isn't also sad that this still occurs today in 1999?

Geez - I didn't realize that it had been 8 days since I last wrote. I knew that I had missed a few days but not that many...

(Oh boy!! They're re-running an episode of Art Bell's Ghost to Ghost!!!! Yay!!!!)

I've spent these last several days doing some heavy duty cleaning. The house was an absolute mess (it still isn't perfect but hey - it's tons better than it was!) and L.'s coming over Sunday so we can go to the Ren Fest.

This has been a good thing - for other than the usual reasons. I had gone through alot of junk and just let go. I have let go of quite alot. I didn't realize that I was hanging on to so much and in many cases, I was wondering why I had the thing in the first place.

It's still going on. I've got to finish the kitchen - and I'm not looking forward to it. I've put off cleaning for most of the day today. I think I'm on the verge of burn out but it's got to be done.

It should go better now - like I said, Art's on. It's the true ghost story show. I am in heaven. LOL

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