November 1, 1999

It's nice right now - there's a nice, slow rain. Too bad it'll take most of the leaves with it. They're colored up very nicely right now.

I hope 'Teach' isn't too upset with me - I haven't been online for a week!!! No access from here.

L. got more than she bargained for yesterday - she nearly had to beat the guys off with a stick!!! One of her friends said a prayer for her 'so that she'd get some attention'...hehehe! That's what you get when you write vague spells....:::snicker:::

Latest Reading: none at the moment

L. and I went to the Drachenberg Ren Fest yesterday. It was pretty neat - especially for it's first year of existence. When we first arrived, we were told to stick to the main grounds...because a sword fight could break out at any minute. There was all kinds of music, wares and 'stuff'.

In fact, I ended up spending all my money (and borrowing 3 dollars off of L.) on a staff. It is a very special staff - it has a deer skull on it and has lots o' potential. It was originally $65 and I got it for 43...I didn't want to haggle for it but that was the only way I was going to get it so I intentionally bid higher than normal (read: toward a fair market value) and risked looking like I didn't know what I was doing.

I am a firm believer in not haggling over magical and sacred objects. It just seems kind of demeaning. I mean, geez, how would it be if you tried to knock a few bucks off the price of the Holy Grail? Imagine this:

"How much will you take for this lovely cup here?"
"75 dinars. This is the grail that The Lord's own blood rested in after His crucifiction..."
"75 dinars???? Are you insane? This piece of tin isn't worth half that and I don't care who's blood was in it!! I'll give you 10."

See what I mean? It just doesn't seem right.

Anyway, I'm going to add my own special touches to it. I'm going to bead part of it and add some feathers, maybe some crystals...I don't know what all it wants just yet. I can't wait to find out.

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